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I've been collecting poll results for as long as I can remember. It's a passion of mine. This is by no means an exhaustive list of poll results, but I believe it's the most accurate record of polls that were featured on TheSPR3.com. If you have any last minute votes to add email DL@thespr3.com

"Blessed be The SPR3" -Mothercat

2024/6/26 - 2025/1/8
Has the assassin hotel in your city ever been deconsecrated?
Yes: 6
No: 6

2023/6/9 - 2024/6/26
Who should Archie ask to the prom?
Betty: 19
Veronica: 9

2023/1/28 - 2023/6/9
What is your favorite even prime number?
Two: 7
None: 12

2021/10/15 - 2023/1/28
Are you thankful for The SPR3?
Yes: 31
No: 4

2021/9/1 - 2021/10/15
Are you experienced?
Yes: 4
No: 0

2021/8/4 - 2021/9/1
Foodstuff: 1
Dance: 1

2021/7/1 - 2021/8/3
You got a better idea for a poll question?
Yes: 0
No: 2

2021/6/1 - 2021/6/31
Luann Degroot: Hot or not?
Hot: 0
Not: 4

2021/5/3 - 2021/5/31
Do you turn your cellphone off during takeoffs/landings?
Yes, I Do: 5
Fuck No: 0

2021/4/12 - 2021/5/2
Is your gall mitigated?
Yes: 6
No: 4

2021/3/11 - 2021/3/31
Do you like me?
Yes: 4
No: 0

2021/2/1 - 2021/3/10
Cogito Ergo Sum
True: 2
False: 3
Doesn't matter: 5

2021/1/1 - 2021/1/29
Did OJ do it?
Yes: 5
No: 12